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The Boy With No Name
escapes the pit in which the King imprisoned him for as long as he can remember, and stumbles upon the last of the mythical monsters, hunted to the brink of extinction. When they discover he can mimic any fantastical ability he sees, he leads them in an uprising against the evils of all humankind.

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An anthology of twisted, macabre and disturbing short stories that will take readers, kicking and screaming, on a ride to the darkest corners of preternatural humanity, plumbing the depths we dare not admit exist within us all.


But bring a spare penny
for the return trip.

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When tech-whiz Hunter is abducted on her 15th birthday by a secret society of inventors and engineers, she is conscripted to fight in a centuries-old battle against the other factions, each an army with their own gifted abilities. But there
is a more powerful Fifth Faction, and they have the most destructive weapon of all time.

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By the third law of salvage, if a salvor's efforts contribute to a recovery, they are entitled to the bounty. Out here, in the dense field of space junk orbiting the Earth, that's how Horace makes a living. But when he recovers an escape pod with the occupant still alive, he will make the discovery of his lifetime. Which won't be much longer.

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